
About halfway through this, I started hearing the “Theme From Shaft” but with “Taft!” and word about the car. Then I imagined the song redone about President Taft and it’s all too funny

If it means getting Peugeot-derived cars in the US, they could call it “Crotchrot” and I’d still be interested.

Yes to all of the above, but one key point I’ve found with scrambled eggs is fold them, don’t beat/ whip them. That introduces air bubbles, which changes the final texture into something more rubbery and prone to burning. You can get a good mix by immersing a fork in your bowl of raw egg and vigorously moving it

They’re just screwing with us with these brand names now, aren’t they?

They’re just screwing with us with these brand names now, aren’t they?



Multiple Senators did this! Which makes it even worse...

The feelings it gives me are a great source of motivation. And every day it seems to give me more feelings.🥊😆

The first time I heard the word “plandemic” was in the mid-2000s. I was working for a big city public health department in the mid-2000s, and we used it to describe all the different plans for pandemic influenza the Federal government was asking us to write. We worked with a zillion organizations and partners,

My 5-person family had this exact car for several years and loved it. Basically no repair issues. We now have an Atlas and love it even more.

Just a heads up: the ships aren’t ready now, won’t be ready for several weeks, and it’s unclear if a deployment order has even been issued. Adam Silverman*, a military affairs blogger, goes over the issues here:

The virus already has a name (or two); why start using a new one, except to tweak people? And why are he / his staff expending energy on that right now?

The Helen Slater Supergirl was pretty bad.

Love this! My drink of choice the last few months has basically 1:1 dry gin-sweet vermouth, with good amount of lemon juice - it really balances the sweetness of the vermouth and brings out the aromatic quality of the spices. Good any season.

Well, if anyone would know about ruining car shows...

GM took one look at Tesla’s upstart success, and decided to make an electric Nissan Versa rival instead. What?”

“...Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m late for my interview with The New York Times.”

Picture of a basketball included to signal that this week’s Funbag is sports-related.”

My wife and I were lucky enough to go to an Indian wedding, which had 5 different dress codes on each day, of increasing formality. The bride sent us examples of each type of dress.

The Mariners would replay the previous day’s games, minus the scratching, cup-adjusting, mound visits etc