We forgot King-Kong
We forgot King-Kong
Why is Joe Dumars wearing a Suns shirt?
Amen. Luis has been a breath of fresh air (and I’m not even an MLS fan). At some point, MLS established a foothold and the “Can MLS survive?” takes have disappeared. Which is awesome.
“Is Bob Bradley gonna have to Ibrahimovic?”
It’s been taken care of:
Belichick really seems to like leaving the Jets with nothing.
The only thing that stops a sad guy with a gun is a good guy bearing 2 arms (that are good at hugging) and
“old Wizards MJ was a great player.”
:) more for me oh well
1. Cracklin’ Oat Bran
More like Jay *Grievin’*, amirite?!?!?!
It’s good the Sixers traded him. Could you imagine if they had a PG who couldn’t make an outside jumper to save his life?
As much as I care about her, I’m really afraid to learn what Jean Teasdale is up to.
#1 SEO (the band)
I had a boss who called me “...chief.” It took every ounce of fortitude to not call him “...champ” back.
I hope the league doesn’t try to file down his eccentricities. You know, pound a square peg into a round hole, that type of thing.
CAIN WAS ABLE! (now...not so much)
I’ve seen a lot of discussion of Bill Belichick and the failures of his coaching tree, and what I’ve concluded is: Belichick is such a DNA-level tape-breathing football savant he knows how to coach every aspect of the game as well or better than most NFL assistant coaches who spend their lives focusing on one aspect…
THANK YOU - we were binge- watching the show for like the previous 2 weeks! I’m surprised I could speak in complete sentences!