
It seems appropriate that Talion’s quest is monstrous at best, downright evil at worst, which even NPCs in the first game commented on (even if they immediately dropped the subject and asked him to go kill more orcs).

ICP and 75% of their fans are so completely anti-racist you totally missed on this one. One of the cornerstones fo that shitty group is anti-racism.

Nah, man.

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

I don’t know. After all of the talk of how sports screw over municipalities with crazy stadiums, seems like we should at least golf-clap a municipality not getting sucked into overspending on something they’ll never use. It would be even better if they just said, “Screw it, the World Cup makes enough money to buy

I look forward to it being the home of hundreds of stray dogs krokodil-addicted bears after the World Cup ends.

If you don’t have the consent of the patient, it doesn’t matter how educational it may be — it’s not only a violation of medical ethics, but also illegal.

Those bleachers look like a nice place to get a tan.

The Quicker Fucker Upper

So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed

To be fair, that speech was racist, sexist and incompetent.

“Galoot” is a good term to describe him.

She almost certainly is wrong to paint with a broad brush about a group of 20,000 people, the 59 people who died and the 500+ people who were injured. Surely there were many in each group of people who have not toed the Republican line on gun control.

Why the fuck are you worshipping weapons that are only meant to kill people, especially in a country like this one? You are part of the problem. If you want to know about wars, go to a history museum. What kind of weirdo needs to have these kinds of displays? It doesn’t make you look cool, tough, or knowledgeable. It

This motherfuckers MO is straight from the republican asshole playbook: say some offensive, outlandish shit - play the victim when people come for you.

You pick the dumbest hills to die on

What the fuck are you talking about? You’ve written an encyclopedic comment about how silencers work. That doesn’t demonstrate they are necessary.

We’re reading about fifty more Americans freshly slaughtered by the latest gun-nut spree, and you’re in here promoting your disgusting dumb-ass hobby.

I work in addictions and we have a emotional support dog group because many of our patients have substance use disorders, mental illness and/or co-occurring disorder. Emotional support and therapy dogs can offer comfort and have a therapeutic effect on some of our patients who are not responsive to more traditional

Why did you delete my thread? Simply because I disagreed with you? I wasn’t rude, didn’t call you any names. I’m really surprised and disappointed if this is the way you handle people who disagree with you about a relatively unimportant subject matter like dogs on planes. Damn, Yesha.