
Thank you. I understand that they’re reporting on research, but I just love when Gizmodo breathlessly writes about something that’s already relatively well known like it’s some fresh discovery. I thought that was LifeHacker’s beat.

So you’re just a selfish, morally bankrupt quisling? Should have said that from the start and saved everyone the trouble.

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality”

Go on about what? Jesus, dude, you’re beyond help. Did you sell your other brain cell to get out of the greys on this website? Let me explain this to you in terms that you can comprehend. You decried racism using quotes from a notorious racist. When I called attention to the inconsistency, you, for some strange

Lincoln had conflicting and problematic views on race that were emblematic of his time and place, but is ultimately judged by his actions like, you know, liberating African-Americans, shattering slavery, and saving the Union. On the other hand, Mencken lived during what is generally considered the modern era, died in

Really knocked it out of the park there, pal.

Congratulations on your GED in rhetoric. I bet your parents were beaming at the ceremony!  The kind of person who sits on an internet comment section all day, responds every time to every person who offers a rebuttal to their idiotic and irrelevant supposition, and again, unprompted, boasts to strangers about how

Look professor braggart, you’re fucking wrong and no one cares about how aged or teeming with wisdom you claim to be. I forgot to add this last time, smart people don’t generally spend time boasting about how intelligent they are to strangers on the internet. So seriously, fuck off, crawl into a hole, keep being a

Your arrogance is only exceeded by your projection. Objectively and definitively, Hillary Clinton was weaker than her two main rivals, Sanders and Trump, in Michigan and Wisconsin, the only two places that mattered when all was said and done. But I’m done, it’s obvious that no amount of argument is going to make you

And you are a living, breathing caricature of your myopically illiberal ilk who refuses to practice any sort of political or personal introspection and are still, five months later, desperately grasping at straws to blame anyone but yourselves for Clinton’s catastrophic defeat by a third-rate grifter and B-movie

You are a profoundly unstable and disengenious human being. Hillary Clinton lost to Donald fucking Trump, a half mad reality TV host, rapist, and the most unpopular major party candidate in history. That failure is on her and her gaggle of incompetent lackeys and them alone. Maybe if she had she decided to campaign in

Nice strawman, dude. I never once mentioned any of his promises, I described what he’s actually, currently doing in his capacity as Prime Minister. He could have promised that the moon was really an onion for all I care. And here’s what I searched if you’re interested.

Thanks for the links. I apologize in advance for my other response to the OP. I actually like Canada, but felt compelled to respond to ad-hominem attacks with ad-hominem attacks. Please don’t take it personally.

Nah, I didn’t scour anything, we have this amazing invention here in America called Google. You type in words and it returns links instantaneously. It’s easier than sending an inquiry via moose or hockey puck or river of maple syrup, but that’s American ingenuity for you!

The passive-aggressive smugness of Canadians never ceases to amaze me. Here’s your “leader who is more focused on human rights and climate change than he is about making sure corporations are taxed less” approving pipeline expansions and being condemned by environmentalists...

So...that’s where he gets his golden hue from.

Speaking as someone who’s very similar to your sibling, the key to living like that is being able to compartmentalize effectively. It’s acting; you switch it on in situations where it’s advantageous to be deceitful and you switch it off with friends and family and people you want to maintain close and enduring

Have you ever actually been to Chicago, you fucking brainwashed simpleton? I’ve lived on the north side for 28 years. The city, as a whole, is wonderful. It’s diverse, vibrant, safe, and a great place to live. The vast majority of violence is concentrated in a handful of neighborhoods on the south and west sides.

I can’t edit for some reason, but also just wanted to add that Karen Lewis was that candidate you asked about earlier, but unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer before she could take on Rahm.

It’s great that you “read all about it at the time”, but running an insurgent campaign as a relative unknown, defeating a slew of challengers, and grabbing 45 percent of the vote against an incumbent who outspent Garcia by more than a factor of four isn’t choking. Regardless, I suspect that we agree far more than we