
This is how they drive...and they want to build this bridge between Hong Kong and mainland China that flips traffic from driving on the right side of the road to the left side of the road!? Imagine the CCTV footage at the on- and off-ramps.

Staphylococcus aureus lives inside your nose, everyone has it. So, don't pick your nose and eat it...or wipe it on your 3-D glasses!

@vdiddy210 - 4 Wheel Drifted a Power Wagon: I've heard parents say they've spent close to $200,000 travelling their kids around for competitive karting. I assume that includes the cost of karts and trailers and travelling. Definitely a sport for the well-heeled.

...the inspiration? Or vice versa?

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: ...and just out of curiosity, what is the road that takes one to becoming an F1 engineer? If I could have done things differently, I always wondered what it would have been like to be an engineer in F1 and what it would have taken to get there. I suppose you'd have to be in Europe to even get a

...and in the event of a rollover, you're trapped alive inside where you could slowly burn to death?

Perhaps one of the greatest things about Formula 1. The constant and incessant evolution of automotive racing that has brought us or highlighted the benefits of anit-lock braking to flappy-paddle gear boxes. Many of these innovations, whether hit or miss, have been presented to the world on the Formula 1 stage.

Didn't I see that in an episode of The Wire.

I like how the hodgepodge of shelving units are creatively brought together to form the whole workspace. Work with what you have, that's what I say.

film nerd = great films

I have a feeling that the driver of the camera Ferarri has never driven on that road in his entire life, otherwise he'd know where the sharp bends were and know enough to stay off of the shoulder where the giant rim killing potholes are.

Goodbye frontal lobe, hello risk-taking.

@Jeb_Hoge: Cheers to that. I fail to see the point in drifting or drift competition whatsoever. Far too much smoke and show and not enough go.

@Atheist Jew: Terrorize cats and other small household pets.

I agree with everyone else here, it's very obnoxious when you have many tabs open. Switching back to Chrome and choosing the tab you want is much easier than being presented suddenly with a dozen different options. match your argyle socks and argyle v-neck sweater, accompanied by your tweed jacket and pipe, fulfilling your intellectual yet unexciting argyle lifestyle.

I agree with his greater point here, although his argument seems to date back 14 years (see Mercedes Benz F200 concept - pictured). I don't think that a joystick or game pad-type controller could ever replace a steering wheel and pedals. A joystick isn't capable of offering the same tactility as a steering wheel, I