Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

Read it in Grandpa Simpson’s voice, mostly because it reminded me of this.

This troll is smokin’ the hard shit. No mercy!

Nazis, not people.

You guys can now add ‘randomly beating up women’ to the list of things you support (next to the previous entry - pedophilia). It’s very alpha.

I don’t like this logic applied to anything - we have spent decades trying not to give white nationalists attention and look where we’re at.

meow meow meow

She’s just mad her Triple Shot, Soy Milk, Two Caramel Pumps Mocha Macchiato was heated to 120° instead of the 125° she asked so she was 2 minutes late to her hot yoga class man. She’ll get over it.

STFU. Seriously. It’s that white nonsense that tries to claim “Black Lives Matter” really means “Only Black Lives Matter”. That’s not what was said, that’s not what was implied, that’s just some bullshit you’re spouting to distract from the actual point, because you’re an asshole trying desperately to convince

If I had the money I’d love to get my cat tested that I took in off the streets last year. He looks so much like a Khano Manee and I know he’s probably just a mutty white cat with heterochromia but still...

I said what I said.

Sometimes stupid people are gonna get offended. It comes with the territory.

This. You don’t have to know much about the “incel community” to see that having a girlfriend wouldn’t solve their problem; they’d just abuse her instead.

Today is Beltaine, one of the big holidays in my faith, so I’m going to treat myself here; Fuck Douthat and his preening conservative Christian moralism. He’s privilege incarnate with some of the worst parts of Christian philosophy added for a truly horrid mix.

FFS, the audacity of BOTH of them thinking anyone should listen to them. Sorry/not sorry, but as a person who’s suffered decades of mental/emotional abuse by people like them, my tank is not only empty but rusted and full of holes. I can’t. The topic IS very important, and DOES need to be discussed, but I don’t want

Just like how when everyone in the US is just “joking around” when they say racist shit or promotes Nazi ideology and nationalism its actually a sign that we are definitely not a country full of racists and Nazi sympathizers, right?

Ask a Holocaust survivor about “Perspective.” and how Thais trivialize it.

And I would counter argue, as someone how was a teacher where that pic was taken, the only thing taught in the Thai Education system is Nationalism. Where as the Beloved King was born in USA, but they sure as hell didn’t want us teaching that!..My students couldn’t even find Thailand on a map. May be why the country

Girl bye, your thinking only keeps the division narrative instead of embracing it. Diversity is a matter of growth and , right , evolution in the human race. We need to get to a place as looking at eachother as fellow humans and not by race, nationality, gender, color, and other facial traits. Ironically feeding into

Django was great? Really? You realize the female lead only had about 10 words in her vocabulary and spent the vast majority of her screen time been whipped and writhing in pain, but like, in a hot way.