Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

I don’t want to read anybody their own experiences. I’ll cite mine, though:

Yeah, as a product of the x-burbs, a few years of all white private school but most of my time spent in well mixed schools, the bullying for “acting white” and bullying in general came from white kids. I fought so much more than my friends from the “hood” that I was considered the muscle in the group.

This is one of my biggest rage-inducers (although I have so many, nowadays). Pretty much every “pathology” of the black community is present in “mainstream” America and is just a part of American culture. Lest we forget, white folks elected 2 of the stupidest presidents ever, primarily on “want to have a beer with

America will import and appropriate everything about a country and culture except its people.

Uh, you know you have to have a license to drive a car, right? And that that car has to be insured? And that if you break a law that’s even adjacent to that car somehow, the cops can often just take your care from you, no matter where you are?

I don’t get his appeal at all. Even Pulp Fiction, admittedly ground breaking at the time, hasn’t held up well at all and is embarrassing to watch now. It’s like he doesn’t even make actual movies, he just makes smug homages to obscure, crappy movies from a bygone era.

The French are notoriously bad at handling their problems with racism. They either ignore it completely or go far into racist territory, but rebut any challenge with how much they like black Americans. According to my mother, who went to high school outside of Paris in the 70s, it’s gotten FAR worse.

...And no excessive CAPS LOCK.

France is interesting mostly because of how they’ve hid behind their “liberte, egalite, fraternite! laicite!” and “we’re the place folks fled to during the Harlem Renaissance!” cache whenever their Maghreb and Southwest African immigrant population call for government-backed attempts to assist with disparities. It is

Without fail, wherever They are in the world, this type of soulless rhetoric is the first thing they resort to. This letter might as well be from the Clapback Mailbag: France Edition. It’s almost verbatim the rants Michael shares with us weekly.

Enter now the people who will claim she made it up, because they can’t believe that people actually deal with this shit.

“But streamers who think of what they do as a business and put a lot of work into it, and don’t really appreciate having to compete with people whose main method of entertainment is sitting around half-naked in front of a camera, do have kind of a point.”

“They know that if they had the opportunity to become a hot cis-gendered woman overnight that they would use it to take advantage of people”

Yeah, can we bring back ofey?

If men can’t handle seeing some breasts they’re going to be in big trouble when they discover advertising. But I guess there’s a lot less complaints when Don Draper sells something with sex than if a woman does it herself.

Thank you.

Found another one.

What women are fighting against is the objectification against them when they view it as unwanted. These women are clearly onboard. The only people this causes an issue with are guys who can’t tell the difference. It’s doesn’t make their, the women’s, argument worse, it makes it more obvious who the guys are who would

You and the idiots that starred you fail to realize that the women who want to make as much as the guy in the cubicle next to them and the women in these streams are not the same women. Additionally, the real double standard here is that a bunch of guys want to make money off a “useless” talent but don’t want women to