Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

I think he looks like Glenn Close.

I think what he is saying in the top picture is “Swoop me Dragon!”

My most-offended college students have all been conservative so far. For some reason, the liberal students seem more willing to discuss with me when something doesn’t sit well with them, and we tend to work through it.

Wypipo be cheesy as fuck yet at the same time might decide to go out and kill 50 people at a Kenny Chesney concert.

You know how to restrain YOUR child.

All this is doing is giving conservatives ammo on why liberals can’t be trusted.

I love it when people make a big to-do about pointing out age of consent laws. So much easier to stay away from creeps and warn others about them when they volunteer to tell you how they keep track of which very young people are legal for them to fuck.

No, pretty is just one of those tedious last-word assholes and probably all of 17.

Jeez I was just asking. I’m not the one who has to let the Sheriff’s office know when I move.

Except one of those things is exploitative and three of them are not. know.

Truth be told black folks in America haven’t appropriated but rather adopted mainstream practices/culture for survival and advancement.

Maybe GWAR could eat him.

“Cultural appropriation” is the very definition of hypocrisy. Our society is a mixing pot of culture, meaning everyone from every background takes some aspects of another previous society and implements them to their needs. I needn’t list off the dozens of things white culture has created that black culture has

He is literally the Hamburglar of Hip-hop

That gif might get me pregnant

Counterpoint: Nobody serves Chicken & Pancakes.

Harassment is never justified no matter what occupation you take up. People should just stop being assholes. That’s not to say she doesn’t deserve some criticism, but death threats are never okay.

Because we live in an area with one of the biggest homeless populations in the country, with children sleeping on the streets and little to no social safety net to speak of, income inequality is driving the lower middle class and the working class and the poor further out into areas where there’s even less social

I think it’s because there’s this perception that since a lot of black men can’t or won’t provide those things, then a black woman who wants those things is being selfish, unrealistic, and only sees men as walking wallets. This attitude seems to be pretty prevalent among the hoteps, especially the ones who say they