Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

You need to open your mind, my friend. Imagine if we had minds like, uhh... Gronk or Kyrie working on science’s biggest problems.

They believe there is power in victimization. They saw the strides made by black people, women and the LGBTQ+ community in the last 50 years and they wanted a movement of their own(they did not have the self awareness to recognize that they ran everything, and had not experienced any sort of societal oppression at any

I don’t understand this train of thought, especially after discovering that everything in Life can be enjoyed so much more when you share it WITH someone. I just started dating a guy two months ago and he’s been single for ages without any long-term relationships. Due to that history, it’s obvious that he thinks about

“Teenage boys are really, really dumb” is the anthem used alongside “boys will be boys” to excuse bad (often criminal) behaviour all the time since time immemorial. All that does is mitigate the behaviour and enable it to continue.

Lip syncing is integral to drag and can be entertaining as hell. Many Queens now also sing, but they’re two different kind of performance and aren’t meant to be compared. If you don’t get it that’s fine but don’t trash it because you don’t get it.

Sexual harassment isn’t the biggest problem...respecting women in the first place is.

You’re right. Being a Trump supporter makes you anti-Muslim, anti-black, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant,, anti-science, anthi-education, anti-free speech, and anti-rule of law.

Yes, we want that 2% of rapists who actually see jail time to go even lower!

It just makes them ok with fascists.

No, but at the very least it makes a you a fucking idiot that supports fascists.

Having a bad day at work is neither excuse nor reason to treat customers poorly, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing a company for terrible customer service when that us what they provided. 

Then she should get treatment, and stay out of the public eye until she’s in a place where she can handle it and behave like a rational adult. But she can’t be a bully and an asshole and then cry “but mental illness!” when people give her a taste of her own medicine.

Pro tip: women fear rejection and don’t know how to approach men, just the same way the opposite is true. Just throwing it out there.

I know what it’s like. I was bullied, starting in the 2nd grade, because I had a speech impediment, crooked teeth and mouth, and coordination issues. The bullying got exponentially worse when my parents selfishly decided to move to another county while I was in the middle of 6th grade- which resulted in me starting

“Men in the Alt Right are going to have to decide whether they will continue to passively/actively endorse this behavior, or speak out against it,” McCarthy said in another post. “If you want more women speaking publicly about ethno nationalism, I suggest you choose the latter.”

It is totally reasonable that someone would have a knee-jerk reaction to defend the person they know. I get it. I have had to swallow that reaction before. What really gets me, though, is when it goes so far as to deny a claim on behalf of someone else. Like, if someone I know or love is accused of raping someone,

Once again, “Thanks, white people.”

White women are the worst.

I’ve been married for 25 years, so my dating advice, while old, comes from a time before online hookups where you had to actually make initial contact in person, so with that being said, my two pieces of advice are this: