Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

Weird, it seems extroverts are the ones who can’t shut up and realize not everyone wants to talk to you no matter how mundane you think it is. How about ya’ll hush? Why do we have to point to earbuds or headphones to let you know we don’t want to be bothered? They should be a big fucking clue that we don’t want to

If you have to badger someone into kissing them, that’s not getting their permission.

They all have to go down, as disappointing as this is concerning Franken. All of them need to be named and removed.

I know what you mean, but this behavior knows no political affiliation. Men have acted this way for centuries because they set up the system that allowed them to get away with it. If you’re part of that power structure in any way, then of course it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of it even if you align yourself with

How exactly is the fault on the “cam girls” on Twitch? Simply put, if there wasn’t a market for it, there wouldn’t be a problem. Watching people do anything on a live stream is a form of entertainment. Perhaps the reason why people are watching big boobs play a video game is because it is more entertaining than their

Jesus Christ dude, you really just got your #notallwhites into this. What a needless thing to point out

Okay, so before this goes any further, can we all just agree that — in the unlikely event that it hasn’t already — this wave of accusations is going to take down someone whose work you like, but if it makes dick monsters think twice about doing this stuff in the future, it’s absolutely worth it?

Also, hey, it’s okay

I’m honestly surprised there have been no suicides.

As a (formerly working) musician who comes from a long line of musicians, I struggle with a lot of pop music for these exact reasons. I do try (and fail) to bite my tongue a fair bit when it comes to my views on music because I don’t always want to be that insufferable asshole, but when I hear people talk about the


You know what would get these dipshits’ attention?

Rebuttal: cleaning house of these celebrities will make room for more talent to filter in, or lesser known actors and actresses to achieve roles they normally would not be considered for.

In the few interracial relationships that I’ve seen with black women and white men, the black women are usually still remarkably black as fuck, and they still defend all black people (with a few exceptions).

*raise your hand if your first thought on seeing the headline was “Well, that one was only a matter of time”*

All you people making jokes or shaming this woman need a reality check.

Okay, no argument here that Heidi is the worst in this episode. But the rest of what you’re saying is kind of ridiculous. It wasn’t like she was imposing any kind of power over him, she was being selfish and not realizing how much she was bugging him. There is no assault or consent happening here. She was being

I actually think it’s the opposite?

This shit burns me up so much, because it is a microcosm of this insidious practice where we praise privileged white people for bringing stories of marginalized people to the forefront. That praise assumes that they are the first to care enough to bring the stories into the mainstream and it propagates the notion that

“I’m not making a point about race as much as a point of why everything these days has to be political.”

Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.