Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

This was a fantastic piece Clover. Really well done.

“I’m against sexism, but I don’t like the word “feminist”, it’s too confusing...”

I have been watching this show for almost 16 years...never have I ever wanted to punch someone as bad as Camila. By the grace of god Aneesa left last week cause she would have dragged her ass. She really came out and showed her entire racist ass. I heard they bleeped out her calling LeRoy the n word as well...being

This shit right here is so fucking stupid. If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist. Not because you necessarily believe the white race is superior, but

No, it’s really not. It may be distasteful to you, but women is a noun and female is an adjective; these are distinct parts of speech and serve different purposes. You wouldn’t say men nurses and women firefighters. Or maybe you would, but you would be wrong.

Have a South African friend and she has that chorus as her ringtone! Because she’s never met one either, except for her husband…

Now playing

Glad to be of service! I’ve been there, posting shit and wondering when the penny’s going to drop.

That’s not bloody surprising, man…

When did we get the idea that falling in love is unmanly?

I’ve never understood nor experienced the I want all the intimacy and closeness of a loving relationship but not the commitment. Seems to me like if you can’t commit you can’t really have it all. No judgement here, just my 2 cents.

That’s a textbook Tone Argument.

I don’t really find it hard to stay in my lane and sometimes I swerve out too and a black person informs me. And yeah sometimes it’s hard to see the line between appreciation and appropriation. However, it’s not so much about what you do but more about what you do when it’s pointed out to you that you did something

I suspect you have a troll there, but imitation; especially in the case of white artists who will always have wider distribution due to white/euro centric beauty standards and more “wholesome” image,

Translation: “The cool kids won’t play with me so I’m going to try to burn the playground down. That’ll show em.”

wypipo have it so hard

Matt Stone’s mother is Jewish, he’s married to a Black woman and has Black children. Trey Parker is married to a Black woman and has Black children.

White supremacy is a thing that is ingrained in the country. It’s ingrained in people. So until you learn to dismantle that in yourself, especially if you are white, then you are complicit, if not helping, white supremacy. Same shit with men (and women) and the patriarchy.

Shout out to all the freedom fighter “allies” whose feelings need to be tended to as a condition to them fighting (or at least acknowledging) oppression. Seriously, if you are more offended by a marginalized individual implying that a privileged group as a whole benefits from said privilege and as a whole has biases

It all boils down to privilege, doesn’t it? If a white person speaks about race, then they’re woke. If they’re attractive then they’re woke bae. And if it’s a black person speaking about racism, then they’re angry. I have privilege in that this is only a story because I worked with L’Oreal.

It’s not about coddling. They’re not talking about shortening the day and cutting curriculum to make things easier. They’re talking about SHIFTING later. That’s all. It’s about efficient use of time. I don’t get this mindset of “well hurr, that’s how we did it back when we thought the earth was flat, sugar was

EXACTLY! Appropriation is bad enough, but I especially HATE these negative aspects being the cornerstone of her “brand”.