Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

jfc, she sounds toxic. I also hate to say it, this kind of class resentment- whether deserved by the recipient or not - seems to be the basis for a lot of Trump support.

Her entire comedy routine is “I’m fat and slutty and drink too much”

Abs, I’m going to abandon thread

CB4 was awesome and so was the soundtrack.

The prevalence of gangs in “the inner city” are a result of redlining, lead poisoning, and segregation, all tools of white supremacy. Poverty doesn’t erase white privilege, and joining an anti-black hate group (even if out of sheer ignorance) is completely different than growing up with lead paint and no

It bugs me that she sets up men as the ultimate standard for acceptable behavior: “Your brother is not going to waste any time doing this...”

The idea is to protect the rest of society from her. The girl’s circumstances are tragic, but her actions prove that she is a very real and serious threat to the safety of everyone around her, and always will be. Prison is where we put many people like that, and is probably where she will end up the next time she

I mean, let’s say Whitlock’s Theory On Race is correct, and Kaep isn’t really black. That would mean . . . a white QB knowingly risked his future employment to protest violent systemic racial inequality in America. Which would be bad because why?

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

“We must come together as a country and try to understand each other peacefully. We can’t continue to scream nazi or sjw back & forth.”

There were more than a few of those types around these parts today. Claiming neutrality by not taking a side, claiming both sides do it, etc...

Because deep down they know most of those they hate are better than them on a personal level by every metric, so they try and bandwagon their identities on some distorted caricature of whiteness or maleness, where all it virtues are inherited and sins absolved.

I disagree. This guy graduated a high school a few miles from me, and is attending my alma mater. As a community, we need to take a long, hard look at how this happened, and how it was known and condoned. People from his high school history classes and students at UNR are all sharing accounts of his bigoted comments

Exceptional laziness.

Could you please explain how social justice and marxism are the same thing? Do people calling for equality also call for state seizure of all property and land?

See, you’re not even starting to understand the idea of equal opportunity. Equal opportunity doesn’t mean equal results. I know you’re just angry that people who you think are ‘subhuman’ or whatever are doing better than you, but its not their fault, its yours for not taking your advantageous opportunity and doing

If you use the acronym SJW without irony, you deserve all the hatred you clearly feel. Nobody worthwhile will ever love you.

You identified yourself as a neo nazi. Well played.