Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

One of the mistakes that people make — especially people who feel that they’re not conventionally attractive — is that they tend to try to minimize their uniqueness. They want to be as broadly appealing as possible, the better to have as large of a dating pool as possible.

It can’t be anymore fucked up than the follow up to “PUSH” (“Precious”), “The Kid”.

What is that from? I tried to Google it and just got back news results about Chester Bennington dying.

This all sounds like it came from some Chester Bennington, ofay fuck trash suburbanite, and I’m inclined to believe that it is.

I’m getting a Thorgy vibe, though Cracker is better at identifying and articulating her insecurities, which makes her near-wins all the more aggravating.

White people cannot perform ironic racism because we ALWAYS expect them to be racist in one way or another.

I’m glad my roommate works nights cause last night I yelled, “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!”, when Cracker was made safe.

An ex did something similar, but he put ghost chili in my food without telling me. Made it so I could barely enjoy the meal because it was so painful.

This site is barely pretending to be about anything any more.

In the documentary about drag/ball culture, “Paris is Burning”, one of the queens interviewed, Pepper Labeija, makes a very good point about the misconceptions about femininity that trans women have. They go into transitioning thinking that since women are treated “better” in comparison to queer people that they’ll be

Shes got mental problems that don’t even extend to her gender identity , but I’ve done all I can to be supportive and I refuse to do any more. I can only hear about how oppressive I am for having D cups from someone who used to use their identity as a white man to antagonize me for so long.

The only exception I can conceive for going to a dinner for a first date is if you already know the person and have a friendly relationship, and ya’ll decided to give dating a shot. At that point you already know theres a physical attraction and that you can carry on an interesting conversation, so theres no “coffee

Sounds a lot like my ex. She started transitioning about a year after we broke up. We became friends, but the relationship was much more off and on than the one we had romantically.

Not to everyone. As many commenters have pointed out, taking the time out to communicate your lack of interest can lead to unnecessary conflict on the part of the person being rejected.

Pink Flamingos

I imagine its hard to feel much of anything when you’re that deep in the sunken place.

Sorry Charlie, but it really isn’t ghosting if she dropped contact after one, obviously crappy, first date. That isn’t nearly enough time to develop any kind of emotional attachment to someone that would make a sudden suspension of contact devastating. And if it does, thats on him for idealizing someone who he was

If he was trolling her/ “just making a joke” then hes still an asshole.


I bet you dollars to donuts that the words “femoid”, “Chad”, and “looksmatch”, are a regular part of this chucklefucks vocabulary.