Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

Cause thats not even close to what I said......

Incels are the living embodiment of the self-fulfilling prophecy.

Its almost like it hurts everybody, or something.......

Someone who has to go those lengths to be “mildly amusing” sounds exhausting to be around.

The first date should always be something simple, preferably coffee in a quiet, chill cafe. Even if the guy ends up paying for both people he can’t be out more than $10 depending on where they go and what they get. Personally, if I get to the coffee place before the other person I’m just gonna go ahead and buy my

Ask me later this evening after my daily routine of doing gravity bongs in the bathtub

I’d much rather you just sit in the corner and consider the futility of your own existence until you literally cease to be.

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I can’t be in a long-term relationship with a heterosexual man. Not that they’re worse than queer men (anyone who is a fan of RPDR knows that queer people can be just as vile and ignorant as their straight counterparts), but I find that I have a better emotional connection

I’m saddened to hear that the bullet missed an artery.

But i do love your liberal hatred

Fucking black people doesn’t shield you from accusations of racism, you stupid motherfucker.

An ex friend told me something similar about his Indian grandparents. They told him that they didn’t mind him dating men so long as none of them were black.

And bellows, “femoids only want Chads and guys who act like assholes, and I shouldn’t have to clean my room for a girl who I’m just trying to bang”.

And nothing of value was lost.

I mean, fashion IS a choice....

I remember a comment someone posted on a Jezebel article chronicling the rise and fall of Iggy Azalia that said, “black men are not the gatekeepers of black culture, black women are”.

So you’re telling me that I’m not an expert on East Asian culture even though I once ate Costco sushi while watching Memoirs of a Geisha and learned to speak fluent Japanese from watching One Piece on the ellipitical?!

Totally off-topic but I wasn’t sure where else to put this;

Damon posts these things as white people bait