Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

I love Cate Blanchett Helen Mirren, even though ‘Elizabeth’ is much worse when it comes to historical accuracy than The Tudors and Mirrens portrayal was a bit too erratic, but Glenda Jackson IS Elizabeth I.

chicken and beer

Ugggggghhh, I hate The Tudors.......


The only person responsible for TJ Miller getting help is TJ Miller. His family and friends can do everything they can to get him back on track but it won’t make a difference if he doesn’t think that he needs help.

Fire hoses to the face.

Frig off, Randy.

Bet ya $10 the phrase, “soft, mocha/chocolate/coffe colored skin”, has left his lips on more than one occasion.

I never got to see the uncensored one cause by the time it aired I had somewhat fallen off the series, and when I was finally interested SouthParkStudios had already pulled it. But you’re right, I don’t see how the episode could’ve worked as well as it did if they’d actually shown Muhammad.

They can’t.

And even then, I still don’t fuck with people who talk shit about black men, because even if they have a favorable opinion of black women its contradicted by the fact that they’re still disrespecting a part of ME.


so her commenting on The Vixens terrible wigs made me feel funny like rich white boy privilege.

LW1, if you have any sense of empathy at all then you need to dump your friends.

Yeah, I agree with Rooo, this isn’t a controversial sentiment in the slightest and one that I’ve felt for ages.

Milk is devastated.

Yep, you’re right. I looked it up and clinical psychologists can, indeed, make a diagnosis.

Well, in non-dumb shit news, Chuck E Cheese is now offering “Sensory Sensitive Sundays” for children with autism.

Nope, you’re not playing armchair psychologist ( or psychiatrist since those are the people who can actually diagnose you ) by saying that someone should seek out the services of a mental health professional, especially they make concerning posts on social media. Regardless of whether or not a person has a diagnosis,

Sounds like your ex had delusions of adequacy. Claiming that he was doing what he wanted in life, while actually hating anyone doing better than him.