Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit


Currently dating a white man who I have regularly frank discussions about race and gender politics with little to no discomfort and defensiveness, so no, I don’t need to work through shit or accept things that I don’t have to accept.

Also, word of advice to black women who want to expand their dating pool:

Said it once and I’ll say it again;

I’ll give you a breakdown:

Women around his own age are more likely to see through his bullshit, and not want anything to do with him.

I’m down with drinking regular ol’ pickle juice/olive juice/clamato, but hard pass at SWEET pickle beverages.

Hold up....

I recently put a tiny stuffed bear in my guinea pigs cage to give him a cuddle buddy and he seems to have bonded with it. Sometimes I’ll see him lying on top of the bear or trying to drag him into his hutch. He originally came in a pair but his brother died of pneumonia about a week after I got him, and while guinea

OR you could phrase your initial message as an open-ended question that asks for the persons opinion.

Maybe, just maybe it’s time to actually hear what those who don’t agree with you actually think instead of labeling them as other as an excuse to hate them.

I dunno.....I think we should reserve judgement until we hear from both sides.

Had Divine not died the show would’ve been 10x funnier than it already was. They were originally set to play Pegs mother and father.

There’s a French comedy on Netflix called, “He Even Has Your Eyes”, about a Senegalese-Haitian couple who adopt a white child and the efforts of a racist social worker to undermine their ability as parents and take the child away. There’s even a scene in the film where the protagonists meet a white couple with an

I used to be friends with someone whose entire reason for converting to veganism was so that they could fuck stereotypically twee granola boys and girls.

Can we also add, “your opinions on peoples food preferences during meals that you were not invited to/ your redundant arguments on the legitimacy of white chocolate”?

shangela Bebe wasn’t robbed. shangela Bebe was just basic with no personality. blame the producers and ru paul for trying to make her happen, while those that were there and saw the uncut version were not impressed with her.

I hate everyone who has a dog because I can’t have one until I’m done with school and move out of my current apartment, and I am SURROUNDED by tiny, adorkable little snuffle buggles in my complex.

“Its not police brutality, its just slapstick!”

When can we start labelling these celebrity “clap-backs” as “fame-whores who don’t know how to pick their battles”?