Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

“His girlfriend testified that Mr. Meechan had never made known to her any anti-Semitic views whatsoever,” Brown said. “The accused possesses both tolerant and liberal views. His girlfriend is in no doubt it was an example of his sense of humor.”

Questions to ask American men to know if they’re uncircumcised, without actually asking if they’re uncircumcised :

Yeah, no shit.

I got one:

“Beige Rage”

Any knowledge you can drop on a novice?

If I had the will, I’d sell candid portraits to single guys for their dating profiles.

I also find it funny that he thinks that people taking physical attraction into consideration is somehow a bad thing, and that only the most attractive people are killing it in the online dating game.


He can’t, and yet that’s somehow everyone elses’ problem.

I figured before this schmecklehead even responded that he’d go into some whiny diatribe about how its everyone elses fault that hes single.

I can tell you right now that you don’t possess even a fraction of what I want in another person, regardless of what you look like.  

because many straight men think taking good, well-composed selfies or asking someone to photograph them when they look fresh to death is “girly.”

Heres the best part!

I got you. I’d say that most people outside of Europe aren’t too familiar with him because he seldom ever did any songs in English and had a reputation for being vulgar and provocative.

As a Jamaican, I would love to hear your opinion of Serge Gainsbourg.

Hipsters are people that are deathly allergic to anything considered to be the least bit common place and popular, yet their extra ass efforts to prove how avant-garde and against the grain they are just proves how boring they truly are.

A college degree is no guarantee of intellectual acumen or development

Well.....they’re dumb.