Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

I bet shes fluent in sarcasm, too.

Kids who are smart are teased and bullied for “acting white”

One of my friends is going through a needlessly dramatic custody battle with her soon-to-be ex-husband, and she asked me and another friend at one point if we would judge her if she just let her ex have full custody of her son.

I honestly didn’t think it was possible to write a racist screed without hate-fucking your keyboard.

“we’re the place folks fled to during the Harlem Renaissance!”

Zwarte Piet.

The only difference is that the English isn’t broken.

I think I was referencing you without actually referencing you in my comment and it offended you, hence the hyperbole.

With all the sexual harassment and shit going on, things like what these girls are doing don’t help the cause.



Is it now?

I’d go even further and say that if someone insists that you rationalize your attraction that you just disengage from the discussion entirely. The fact of the matter is that some black people just aren’t into black people romantically, and just because someone isn’t attracted to you doesn’t mean that they don’t see

As a black woman, the ONLY issue I take with black men being with white or just non-black women is basing their preference around things that black women either are or aren’t doing. If anything, it makes your interest in non-black women look entirely superficial, as if you wouldn’t even be with them in the first

I watched it long enough to figure out what the guy who played the obnoxious fat nerd from House of 1000 Corpses was up to these days.

When this guy initially told me about his illness my first response was, “oh my god, are you ok? Have you gone to the doctor yet?”

Its funny because if its one thing that people who lack the capacity for critical and independent thinking are known for, its creativity and truthfulness.

Its funny how every member of the 27 club is a tragic, creative genius who gets their self-destructive and toxic tendencies overlooked in favor of their creative accomplishments, except the ones with vaginas.

Lmao, honestly, I think he was just a clueless idiot.

I took it all as a big attempt to shame me because he didn’t like the sex or something. I do not know....