Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

Don’t even get me started on the stigma.

I’m confused.

As a woman who can climax hands free with enough willpower and weed, I’m not bothered by a man not climaxing.

Hey, make a product that interests people and they will pay you money for it.

When will white people learn that you can’t be racist ironically if people already expect you to be racist?

The difference is that most kids in his positon who aren’t white would not and have not gotten the same special attention from the media.

It makes no sense to you because you have no idea what racism actually is.

Well yeah. A racist is someone who lacks empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, and can’t take responsibility for their depressing lives.

Sorry, I reserve the bulk of my empathy and emotional energy for people who get needlessly fucked over because their skin isn’t the right shade, they don’t love the right people, they don’t speak the right language, they don’t worship the right god, or they don’t identify with the right gender, because we aren’t


Even if this is actually true, who the fuck cares?

Regardless, Richard outed himself in his own damn book IN HIS OWN WORDS.

HE DID tell his story.

Richard talked about his experinces in his own autobiography, so miss me with that homophobic bullshit you’re trying to project onto me.

But why is the story about him almost burning to death from trying to freebase cocaine because he was a self-destructive drug addict ok, but not the one about him having consensual sex with one of the greatest actors of all time?

Its like that drug PSA from the 80's where the dad asks his son where he learned to do drugs and the kid tells him that he learned it from watching his dad.


To everyone who still wants to believe that Markle isn’t *really* black because she has a white parent and she identifies as mixed:

Hi, I’m a Simer who donates to both him and Turbodriver (wickedwhims).
