Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

You wouldn’t feel so inferior if you bothered to put the same amount of energy into being knowledgeable as you do in being opinionated.

I think you’ve already established well enough that humor isn’t really your thing.

The only person who ever called me the N word to my face was a mentally ill man with dementia. I was working as a PNA and dude took a swung at me. He had to be put in the restraint chair and while I was watching him he would fluctuate between calling me a nigger, and calling me sir while apologizing and begging me to

Maybe I’m just bad at this whole adulting thing, but I never got into the mindset where I’m supposed to be perpetually annoyed with teenagers for having the gall to be emotionally chaotic and irrational.

It goes without saying, but you’re not a very smart person.

What I’m lamenting is that we’ve become so thin-skinned and intolerant as a nation.

Snookis always been the decent one.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he himself was suicidal and hated himself for being weak enough to consider the futility of his own existence, and is just deflecting his self-hatred on to others.

White people being racist isn’t “schtick”, subversive, or ironic. We fully expect there to be racist undertones to anything and everything that you say and do.

Well, snowflakes are white......

Saw the advert for this episode on the CC app cause I wanted to see if Legends of Chamberlain Heights got a third season.

I’m partial to GG Allin’s rendition

When you phrase it like this, no, not really.

Considering the fact that she tried to sell herself with the awkward yet endearing cool girl schtick, I’d imagine that she herself, when shes not doing her job as an actor, is probably pretty plain.

His first message to me was, “Hey, I’m Frank”, with his name attached to his profile.

All I know about Michael Rapport is that hes that one actor who gets type-cast as a wigger, and assaulted his ex who played Valerie Solonas in I Shot Andy Warhol.

The way I see it is that a persons emotional intelligence is directly correlated with their sense of humor.

Well, I was the one who suggested the museum cause I figured it would make for an engaging and safe first date.

I turned down a date to an art museum with a guy because his sense of humor amounted to little more than, “ Men have only three emotions: horny, hungry, and tired”, and actually fixed his mouth to say that humans haven’t evolved that much.

The worst spot in my experience? The inside of your arm, just above your armpit. It hurt. It hurt bad. I cringe at the idea of ever having a tattoo gun in that area again if I ever decide to get another half sleeve.