Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

If anything, they’re geeks. They’re nerd culture enthusiasts but chances are they won’t ever really contribute anything towards the zeitgeist. Its not a terrible thing to be, I’m just sick of seeing folks of average ability thinking that simply being a fan of the work by intelligent people is a reflection of their own

Try not to cut yourself with all of that edge.

I’ve long since come to the conclusion that most self-titled nerds are barely sharper than a blade of grass.

If you squint hard enough, the lines of his tattoo look like little veins :p

I mean....snowflakes ARE white......

I have nothing against KK as a person, and I have nothing against her for turning something that could’ve easily shamed her into obscurity (sex tape) into a multi-million dollar brand.

When I saw the main picture I thought that those were two white women cosplaying as two leather wallets, cosplaying as two black women with thirsty weaves.

Hey, I like mounds of refined sugar molded into little pumpkins, but that doesn’t mean that I want any of those PUMPKIN pumpkins anywhere near my pantry mixing with my other foods.

No argument here. If it comes down to either eating a bag of Peeps or starving to death, welp, nice knowing ya.

Ok, I know that I’m about to get dragged severely for this but, fuck it, it needs to be said;

When you live in an age where your phone is literally a pocket computer that lets you access countless information within an instant, theres no excuse to not know things.

shame someone else into submission

Nah, I don’t think that I deserve any sort of special consideration just for not being a sick fuck.

I’ll take being a cliche over having sex with teenagers.

Yeah, I’m going to throughly enjoy not having sex with teenagers.

Having a sexual relationship with a teenager as a grown adult is disgusting.

Serious question:

Not as much as feeling compelled to be edgy for the sake of being edgy would.

I bet you think that Hitler was a great artist too.

And fuck em for STILL not inducting Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, the godfather of shock rock.