Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

This^. I’ve always found that people who make a big show of being a deep thinker are incapable of realizing how full of shit they really are.

Hey, I’m one of those people that thinks that EVERYONE should be turned on to the splendor that is....brunch. Its the magical meal.

Lol, not even. They serve them shits at IHOP.


Edginess for the sake of edginess = “I’m terribly afraid of people thinking that I’m average”

I’m sure I also don’t need to point out that most of those vendors are black. Tell me that this is anything other than an attempt to edge black people out of the weed industry and I won’t fucking believe it.

Somewhat off-topic:

Nah, I’m good with just having my sims sell their bodies for coke.

Same. She also seems to come off as significantly more self-absorbed and entitled than Grace.

I’ve been to that same bar for one of their pop-up parties, and a good chunk of the people who attend them are seniors with physical disabilities.

That last paragraph made me angry.

This story continues to get more deliciously fucked up.

I’m glad that they finally inducted Thorpe, but I’m still miffed that they haven’t recognized Screamin’ Jay Hawkins.

I’ll take Honestie over any female name that ends with Lynn.

 “It was meant to be ironic and funny and extreme”

My eyes are getting dry just from looking at all that glittery shit just waiting to get stuck those lashes.

Hooray for happy-endings!

I thought that too, and that maybe I was being a little too cynical by writing this off as someone trying to capitalize on people’s sympathies.

Is it some kind of Canadian breed?

All your friends only know you as a hole-haver.