Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit


I’m 25 and I have no idea who she is. The only thing that seems to draw me in these days is decades old folk rock.

Yeah, if a dog goes to sniff me but still recoils when I try to pet it, then I just wish the owner a good day and keep it moving. Forcing yourself on an unsure dog is a great way to get bitten.

Shit.....and now I’m ALSO reminded of the time that an ex kept pushing me into pity-fucking them with a strap-on. She was in the very early stages of her transition from male to female and felt very isolated and unattractive, and essentially emotionally brow-beaten me into doing a sex act that I 1) really didn’t want

This reminds of a woman I used to be kinda friends with.

MatPat dun fucked up FNaF

I mean, hey, I love dogs so much that I won’t put my desire to give them love-squeezings and bare-foot belly rubs above their need for comfort and safety.

Dog lover etiquette 101: Always approach the owner first and explicitly ask for their permission to interact with the dog. Not only is it good manners (I enjoy the company of animals more than people but I think its incredibly rude to ignore someone just so you can love up on THEIR dog), but its a simple way of

Lol yeah u mad.

I didn’t tell you what you wanted to hear and you told me to go fuck myself.

Lol, y u mad tho?

Try having the confidence of a black girl who just got accepted into every single Ivy League college.

Regardless, there isn’t a single thing you can do that is going to 100% guarantee an exchange that ultimately leads to dates, intimacy, and a relationship. Either you keep sending message hoping that one day something will stick, let your bitterness and agitation that feel towards the system show itself in your

Really? Every single available woman in your area has it on their profile that they won’t send the first message?

I’m 25 and I was diagnosed at 22.

Guess she just wasn’t that into you.


Fuck, the second letter hit home. I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder and it makes the idea of pursuing a relationship seem inherently self-destructive. I get attached way too easily, which is a result of having sex way too early and more often than not without protection, and if I’m not around someone or

I’m a woman whos been doing the online dating thing for years. My first serious relationship came from it, and also one that I note as being pretty psychologically damaging.

I mean, hey, if you wanna act like you’re about that life.....