Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

I feel like the ideal response to seeing someone in blackface is to spray them in the face with a firehose.

Exactly. I don’t care who’s next to be revealed as a sexual predator, even if its someone whose work I enjoy or has the same political leanings as I do.

Black women getting married to non-black men, or just getting married in general?

I’m more surprised that Andy Dick was still getting work.

Money is no substitute for creativity, taste, or usefulness.

I’mma pray for you, brotha.

Whenever I see men get psychotically over-protective of their daughters, I imagine its because sub-consciously they want to fuck them.

I’ve never seen a black person diss being black who wasn’t themselves an undeniably black motherfucker.

And I’m saying that he shouldn’t be at all “blamed” for broadening his search if his reasoning falls into the latter category that I listed.

“Can Atheist Brothas be blamed for looking outside their race for other atheist women?

Gotta find progress wherever you can, I guess.

Black men fuck up, and to call attention to how and why they fuck up doesn’t take fault away from other people for their own fuck ups.

Your granny is spot on.

I personally don’t bother with guys who have never been with black women, don’t hang out with black people, or can’t identify with black culture. My life isn’t centered around my race to the extent that everything I like has to be pre-approved black people shit (I’m one of those black people who got called white in

You certainly seem convinced that you are. And in this new world order thats all that matters.

“When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression”.

U mad tho?

Glad you said it, cause I’m sick as shit of seeing black men using the term thinking that its the proper/only alternative to “bitch”.

I initially read that as, “hot chicken room”.

Theres a phrase I have for when people make really tired and racist jokes;