Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

Smith sounds like someone who gets off on the smell of her own farts.

Violence, and VODKA.

I don’t get why thats such a hard thing to grasp: If you display a severe lack of impulse control to the point where you threaten the lives of others, you will be sent to prison for a long time or the rest of your life, regardless of whether or not you have a mental illness.

I’m on the fence when it comes to the subject of skin-bleaching.

One thing I have hope for in the future is seeing the tired notion, “I have a black girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse so I can’t be racist’, get bludgeoned to death with its own shoes.


Deal with it.

Oh, and I do have a second cousin with an experience similar to yours, except shes a black woman who married a French man who put her and her children through living hell; letting his mother treat her like shit, and inviting another woman into THEIR home who kicked HER out onto the streets of France while she barely

And yet white women continue to genuinely believe that being with black men and having black children makes them not racist *eye roll*

I’m happy to see little black girls that get to grow up during the natural hair movement. Now that we have more hair confidence and versatility there will be significantly less black women and girls with bleeding scalps full of chemical burns.

I was on Instagram commenting under a post of a picture showing white women participating in a klan rally a few decades ago, and a Becky comes in trying to “both sides are bad” and play contrarian. I called her out and she convienently brings up that she’s Jewish, so, like, she’s faced discrimination too *eye roll*.

Beckys come in all shades. The only qualifier is that one breathlessly defends whiteness without a shred of self-awareness.

Yeah.....white people will literally have a nervous breakdown if you don’t validate their feelings in everything you say and do. This is why I’ve felt more like a real feminist since I’ve started calling out white women for their self-centered viewpoints and inability to see past their own pain.

WHOOPS! I meant okcupid :p

When I was on OKC and turned down a guys proposition for unremarkable sex, and after he insulted me for it, he said, “at least I’m white”.


Oh I know its a mess.

I wasn’t recommending that you should. I was saying that the ones who talk shit about black women and deem them inferior aren’t above trying to fuck them.

Snowflakes are white. Never forget that.

I’m black and nearly all of my boyfriends/lovers have been white. Some of them have been ok, some still have a place in my heart, some were so boring I wanted to blow my brains out, and some were fucking trash.