Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

“I don’t want to put in the money required for dinner AND drinks if I’m not 100% sure that I’m gonna get my dick wet”.

Eeeeeeeyup. It’s afoolish mistake to think that racism stops being a problem once you live next door to white people. This is why I don’t believe in respectability politics; if Obama is still a nigger then what hope do you have?

Lol. Okie dokie then.

Lol, well alright!

I take it your parents ignored you and didn’t get you the help you needed, too? Bit of a sore spot, yeah?

Lol, YEAH.

Because I’d rather enjoy my own company than be with someone who doesn’t get me?

Nah, dating someone who finds me exhausting isn’t any kind of adventure I would ever sign up for.

I’ve learned that, once you know what you want from yourself and out life that, giving people chances just cause “its nice” hinders your own progress.


Then I guess we shouldn’t date : )

You end up ruining a lot of the pleasure that comes from sex by focusing so much on the woman orgasming.

I’m still struggling to see the point that you’re trying to make. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you implying that I couldn’t possibly have ever experienced racism because my situation didn’t take place in the 80's and involved different kinds of white people?

What you just said is one of the reasons why I avoid just giving any white guy a chance just because they’re interested in me;

And a lot of those men would consider themselves “progressive”.....

While I haven’t had the word thrown at me much save for that incident, and from some woefully misguided Hispanic men on dating sites, I’ve been exposed to A LOT of subtle racism.

Question for the men in the audience;

But in all seriousness, if god’s mercy truly exist then the Bulldog should be allowed to go into extinction. We’ve destroyed that dogs potential so much to the point where it literally can’t survive without human intervention.

How many black women refuse to date white guys who have NEVER been with a black woman before because;

Did anyone else just feel really bummed out for Morty and Summer at the end of “Pickle Rick”?