Half.......half of the game is behind DLC.
Half.......half of the game is behind DLC.
Weak charge IMO. I don’t know how it works there, but in Texas, criminally negligent manslaughter or even second degree murder would be on the table because the death was a direct consequence of his committing another crime and show a willful indifference to human life.
Point of contention: the language used to describe her seems to indicate that she’s a rookie. Not just in the league descriptions, but the article descriptions. Reading the linked ESPN article, it sounds like she has self confidence issues and trouble fitting into teams when she isn’t accompanied by other women…
I’d also include the obama bro’s on Pod Save America. “When we used to work for President Obama. Our boss, who was Obama, once told us. Did you know we worked for Obama? Our boss President Obama, did it like this?”
I...you’ve never met an alcoholic or looked into the doctorate of AA and it’s ilk, have you?
Hi Jason. Like the LEGO car I made?
Just makes you wonder what other things they’ve implemented and aren’t telling the players.
“Look guys, we changed it so it’s less bad. We’re the good guys now!” No you’re fucking not. It’s still a grindfest so you can sell lootboxes. Everyone who pre-orders this/buys this in the first month is a dick for enabling them.
My condolences to the Respawn employees and their families.
RIP Respawn. Killed by EA waaaay before they bought you. Can’t wait for Titanfall 3 on Frostbyte to be released the same day as Destiny 3 or some shit.
That and I don’t feel bad for listening to nothing but The Cure all week.
This was the exact reason why I decided to pledge with Future War Cult. Grenade Launchers in D2 are so bad. I just hope they phase them out and introduce a different type of gun altogether. Still waiting for Trace Rifles to be a regular thing in the game instead of us being stuck with Coldheart.
Yes, and could you tell people that their specific character was located in X position, so that they could look at that army man and say “Yes, that is the character I use?”
each figure is based on an individual BlizzCon attendee’s actual in-game character.