
Nintendo does have games on mobile though, so you might want to revisit that argument from 2010

Let’s not forget the billion dollar elephant in the room who also uses the “all maps are free” model: Overwatch.

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

Where’s the video of the mustang crash?

I doubt that visitors to Vegas are keeping tabs on the use taxes they are paying at the places they are spending their money.

basically the changes are happening because grenade spam meant teams sat in a chokepoint lobbing unlimited grenades with a support player topping them up every few seconds, it got to a point where entire points were held through low risk tactics that favored defense too much.

Thank you, you have summed up my feelings. The average person buying video games is 33. Not for a child but an adult playing for personal use. Nintendo still thinks their target market is 12 year old kids. Not realizing the market has grown up. So for them to continually be competing with the games that I can buy on

I cooked my Nintendo Switch at Medium-High and then set it to simmer for fifteen minutes.

The cosplayer is Chinese?

Because caring about canon in what is obviously a non-canon game is stupid?

If you’ve played TES games, then you know people standing around doing weird shit is incredibly immersive.

“Rohrer hopes that, instead of trolling, this setup will encourage adults will nurture kids, and kids won’t turn around and knife their doting parents after ten minutes.” Hahaha, ah, he’s so naive :P

Because I hate them. And as a member of the Master Race I get to choose what I like and what I don’t bwahahahaha

Im not protesting against the video game’s existence. I’m merely commenting on how so many individuals with a progressive mindset appear to be ok with inciting violence against their opponents.

Game looks funny, but the left’s normalization of violence against their political opposition scares me.