
A 30+ hour discrepancy in clear times indicates alot of things, but unless there’s an overwhelming skill gap between PC and Console players the “Git Gud” argument probably isn’t one of them.

Depending on location (especially around the Tokyo area) $1600 could be very cheap.  Japanese housing markets are notoriously expensive. 

Just found Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, the D&D licensed gacha game. Despite being an idle clicker gacha-style hero game it seems to bypass many of the genre’s worst impulses, and I think I know why: from what I can tell the majority of their money comes not from chest and gem purchases, but instead from

Listen, I know my Star Wars from Anakin Skywalker to Zam Wessel and I’ve never heard of “Yaddle.”

I still maintain that in games like Battlefield snipers need to go, and not because of perceived skill. More often it’s the opposite: players camping in the back without taking any action to pressure actual mission objectives, causing an inevitable team loss despite their personal outrageous KDA ratio.

Kotaku has a bad habit of periodically posting uncensored photos of sex toys.  It's not appreciated. 

Alternatively, if you feel like you can get everything, maybe you’re looking at the wrong choices?

It’s frustratkng that Japan hashas recreation on of Flynn’s Arcade while most states are lucky to have a Dave & Busters.

I’d be hesitant on taking Warframe’s Player Base numbers at face value.

How does announcement this big for a game this anticipated look like a next gen console release from 2004? The are some great looking games made in Unity but this isn’t one of them.

First off: Good for him! I hope increased attention helps Flint and gets then some much needed relief.

Non-BR game modes.

Destiny created the long term live service model of looter shooter action rpgs that Warframe eventually had to adopt to be successful.

Rreviews seem to indicate that an infamous sex scene from the first volume may have been removed.  Buyers interested in replacing an older uncensored edition beware. 

Rreviews seem to indicate that an infamous sex scene from the first volume may have been removed.  Buyers interested

Theyhave a game due out within the next 2 years and they’re only *just now* determining if they should keep D2 going or make a new product?

This had better be goddamn satire.

Gita is far more right than wrong here.

The real issue is that Smash Ultimate isn’t just “the version of Smash you buy if you have a Nintendo Switch.” It’s major claim to greatness is the inclusion of every previous Smash character and several new ones. The starting roster and the subsequent unlock rate is frankly far

I like living in a crappy blue state where I earn a good wage and have lots of job opportunities. I lived in a crappy red state and while things were ok on the tax front, the wages were half what I make now. 

This is just a beta, everything wil be fixed when the mode fully launches (checks)...tomorrow?

In fairness, the greater worry early on was the idea of a rogue air force bomber or similar situation where a non-American power took over a nuclear weapon in the moment and could launch or detonate it before the USA could reestablish control. A cipher code might not stop a foreign computer system but it could delay a