
Which is actually even more disturbing: how did this guy get into the security booth, and why wasn’t there overlapping security coverage in the event the booth or security guard was compromised?

The guy just physically attacked a US citizen on sovereign soil. Soil that is probably packed to the roof with armed Americans. That nobody reacted at all is highly disturbing, bu shooting a possibly armed man attacking your staff at an embassy in today’s geopolitical situation would be entirely reasonable.

 Wait, you have the source code? And you aren’t trying to sell it to the companies that now own the game and are trying to remaster the series?

There are probably going to be smaller ships that look like they can be safely engaged.

When you’re down


Let’s see what happens when the games release. Easy to sit and comment about a union member losing work now, but the reason these people were being considered or even actively requested is because they give excellent performances consistently. Some of the new guys will do ok, but man n of them are going to need

 Ok, feel free to write a detailed story integrating historical figures front a civilization nobody has heard of, whom we don’t know about, and who have no impact on modem civilization. Oh, and their greatest architectural achievements have basically all been destroyed so you can’t really use them in a game that’s

Except for the part where as a serious power with a written language it predated them by only about a hundred years.

It’s the oldest western civilization that were have such intricate and extensive records of. Once you start getting much older than ancient Egypt, you are basically going off of legends passed down to the Egyptians. This is mostly due to the fact that the Egyptians and Persians were among the first major western

Let’s be fair, this looks like the logical progression to multiplayer RPG from ME3/DAI.

I think if it weren’t for the salary cap, he would.

Just in time to tank when they move to SF.

I’d recommend their golf swing.

It’s obvious what i mean. Nintendo walls off communication and takes as many steps as possible to control its online space so that it’s online games are basically just single player games with another player taking control of the AI. It’s just a box someone told them they had to tick off to make investors happy.

Those are just to tick a spreadsheet box and make investors happy. Nintendo isn’t infesting in mobile games as a platform, they have the 3DS and now the Switch.

You’re all wrong.

It’s a proprietary system that Nintendo is 100% in control of, and gets 100% of all royalties for.

That’s 90% of the reason for everything they do. That alone. Why don’t they put their games on mobile? Because they have 100% proprietary control over their own hardware. Why don’t they have a relatively

“games as a service” reminds me of the George Carlin quote:

Blizzard undercut the grey market by creating a safe method to buy gold with money that could then only be redeemed in the Blizzard marketplace. So now if you want one of these items, you buy it in game with regular money sent directly to Blizzard which then gets turned into BlizzardBucks that you can only use in the

Well yeah. Is what has nearly always happened with DLC maps, but with previous games the pool of season pass holders was large enough that it wasnt noticed unless you looked for it.