It’s not censorship though. The context of the original joke had nothing to do with racism, and the translation team confirmed with the original developer to avoid censoring content that may have been intentionally considered.
It’s not censorship though. The context of the original joke had nothing to do with racism, and the translation team confirmed with the original developer to avoid censoring content that may have been intentionally considered.
Amusingly, it’s ended up being a godawful thing for Destiny on Playstation because it makes the exclusive content either almost worthless for progression (for maps) or impossible to acquire (for gear) because it won’t show up in any of the regular content rotations (vendors, dailies, weeklies, multiplayer events etc).
Aside from the actual concussive force that would have doubtlessly turned him into paste within that container, that refrigerator actually would have been a fairly decent option of last resort for the fallout itself or the light exposure (which can cause sunburns down to the bone), as long as he had oxygen.
The only uncivilized person was whoever decided that four standby passengers not getting seats justified removing a paying customer from the plane. The passenger was entirely within his rights to refused to leave the flight he paid for and then defended himself (without violence) when force was used against him. The…
Yeah this isn’t an issue like that. He legally purchased a ticket and refused to get off the plane because he had already entered a contract with the seller that they would provide him with the flight he paid for at the time and date specified, so long as he held to standards of behavior which he did.
Ha! Not as bad as getting an email from Gil telling me that everyone was invited to his poker game, including Jaal.
I think the northern California fans are gone. The anger up here has been pretty strong. Say what you will about the 49ers moving to the south bay, at least their fans can drive down on a Sunday morning and watch the game. I don’t see Raiders fans from the east bay planning to spend regular weekends in Vegas.
Yeah, it’s too bad that they couldn’t more accurately represent the fast-paced back and forth offensives of WW1. /s
I recently created a new character and was shocked at how little control I actually had over my character’s design. If you don’t like the options presented, there isn’t much that can be done to fix it.
It’s Nier. It’s hard not to mention their bits. The developers clearly spent a lot of time working on those bits.
By the tone the shot arrives, it may not have sufficient penetrating power to do significant damage. Also, missing with a larger round could have severe consequences for anyone or anything behind the target.
I’ve figured out that anything big should just be triple-shot with Tearblast arrows followed by fire or shock. Especially anything corrupted.
I don’t see why a cell phone couldn’t compete. A high definition screen, game controller compatibility, solid processing and GPU cores, motion controls, etc in a portable package with multi-hour battery life? That’s a midrange Android phone.
Didn’t pivot at all. Reread my comments. Nintendo needs to start offering modern platforms with modern 3rd party support if they ever want to seriously compete again.
It’s not even necessary to do all that. Those are basic functionality issues that were resolved years ago by the sub-$300 iPad competitors like Samsung’s Galaxy Tab series and the Kindle.
Making games for kids is fine - in fact, Nintendo should be applauded for still making games for kids. But you can make games for…
No.This isn’t about gaming on a cell phone. This is about the fact that Nintendo is STILL trailing behind basic functionality of home consoles that my cellphone figured out years ago. Things like transferring data. Like streaming movies. Like getting charging cables in the right place, or offering gamepads at a…
I toothed it out and completely skipped the Wii and WiiU. If Nintendo wants my money, they’re going to need to be a real platform, with more than just Nintendo games. They aren’t competing with my Playstation or gaming PC, they’re competing with my cell phone. And if they don’t realize that and act like it, they…
And they’re doing so by solo queuing into public ranked matches. Their ability to control the strategy of their teammates is entirely nil beyond what said teammates willingly accept. If they wanted default control of their team strategy, they should form a dedicated team of some kind, even if it is just an…
“Players should always ask before going super off-meta”
Who determines that? How many players have to agree? How many players have to disagree? How soon does it need to be with a countdown timer going at all times?
You can’t practice tournament level tactics in pub-level games, in any gaming system I’m aware of. Not unless you have a bunch of tournament-level players in the game.