
Didn’t realize this was charger restricted. That explains the lack of Halloween costumes for most of the charges though.

No, I’m not buying a Bluetooth device just for a Pokémon smart phone app.

Try getting a real job that doesn’t care about amusing little suggestions like 9 to 5.

Until they remove the need to have it open at all times for even the most rudimentary game progression, I can’t justify it. To much battery, to much inattentive wandering in unsafe areas after dark.

The penis mightier?

The Major who’s body is 100% artificial being non-Asian is actually one of the best parts of this new look. It’s far more efficient at conveying a key element of the original stories, which is the sense of alienation and isolation and wondering at identity that Shirow was exploring.

I want to see a real trailer at

It really doesn’t matter if she is, because the whole concept of Motoko Kusanagi is that her external body is 100% artificial.

She could be walking around looking like Jessica Rabbit for the entire film, because that’s a big part of the point of GitS and the people arguing about her appearance are arguing against a

That POS will still end up in a junkyard, hopefully they won’t have to scrape bits of him off of it before parting it out.

Representing space battles may have been more difficult than it seems.

I’ve has it repeatedly tell me I’m driving when walking. If I could walk or run that fast I wouldn’t need a game like Pokémon Go to get me walking.

Gladiator is some of the best movie music of the modern era, and has hugely impacted action movies and Hans Zimmer ever since.

Don’t even joke about that. That would be an instant hit deserved or otherwise.

What? No!

If it was a design issue with the rest of the phone, they’d either be recalling the bad batch based on serial numbers or would be giving more specific instructions than simply turning it off. It’s something to do with the battery itself, possibly the battery design has a flaw.

The whole Gawker thing was a fiasco because of the actions of Gawker, not Peter Thiel and not Hulk Hogan and not the courts. Gawker could and should have navigated that with even with moderately talented lawyers and a corporate owner smart enough to follow their advice.

“Hey, remember these six stories published years ago by another company that was utterly annihilated because they tried to use the freedom of the press argument to defend everything they did even when there was no actual journalistic value present in the stories they defended?

For the $30-$50 batteries, not the $700 phone.

Anyone else guess the Rancor, and wonder how the heck a car could get that name without being infamously awesome?

And this, folks, is why you let users replace batteries.

Japan didn’t go through the cultural period where America and some other western cultures suddenly raised their age of consent standards (legally if not culturally) starting back in the early 1900s. Even in the US it was accepted in some places for guys in their 20s and 30s to marry girls in their early and middle