
Cut him some slack, they’ve artificially inflated the difficulty of that goal by around a thousand percent since it first aired.

My takeaway is that properly labeling your graph axis is kind of important.

Oh my god guys, the traffic dropped by a whole TWO LINES! Guys, this is BIG! This is INCREDIBLE! Those two lines are BIG LINES! HUGE LINES!

Nintendo shares jumped over 8% on the day of release.

It actually worked? I’ve heard stories, but I thought people were making them up...

Drew, it’s not very good clickbait when you answer the question in the headline.

Just saw Killing Joke at last nights theater event. Seemed like most people there enjoyed it just fine, including myself, and yes including the Bat-romance subplot.

Given that would be witnessed by numerous people who could attest that he was intentionally flying a remote aircraft dangerously close to persons on the ground, at least on the USA he’d have a very serious chance of being attested and prosecuted by the FAA.

I’ve never been a fan of the wipeout games, which combined the frantic annihilation of Mario Kart with the driving physics of a drunken polar bear on a unicycle. But the visual language is absolutely spectacular, and the combination of advertising and design gave the entire series a futuristic look that does not age

I love to this day how Hondo is really just Jim Cummings reading the script and saying “hey, you guys put Don Karnage in here! Dibs!”

I work within five blocks of Uber headquarters, Twitter headquarters, and several euro supercar dealerships.

Fuck you. Mr Mime is awesome.

I respect the arguments being made about the servers and sparse game features, but how are you not talking about the absurd power drain? I’m concerned about taking this anywhere I wouldn’t have immediate fast charging options at hand.

The Pacific Coast Highway is cool but I’m not sure what they could do on it. The major destinations, aside from Hearst Castle, are on opposite ends near the cities. The smarter drives, which they’ve already done in whole or part, is San Francisco to Reno or Los Angeles to Vegas.

Also just saw it yesterday. Nick in scam artist mode is probably the best part of the movie.

A few things to remember:

I think one thing a lot of modern Christians don’t realize is how little agency was involved, particularly by women, in Biblical era relationships. If you look, you’ll find that most successful Christian marriages of the time are arranged by or through the parents, especially the fathers. Done of the most famous Bible

And I suppose that’s cool for people who want to constantly switch characters. I don’t. I want to play one character passably (I don’t have the time or patience to learn to play one well).

I played the beta and Torbjorn was the only character I enjoyed. Glad I didn’t pick this up, the whining for such an already underpowered character is embarrassing.

Episode 2, the last real Half Life game, came out in 2007.