
No. I only know what they announced at their biggest opportunity to do so, and the answer they provided was: not much. We have new classes, which is nice, and no doubt a collection of new gear and weapons for each. But what we’re really looking at here is the first actual expansion, but there just isn’t that much on

I stopped playing right around the time as the first expansion hit, but held onto my game for months afterwards hoping there would be some sort of general improvement that would justify me getting back in to max out my character and determine if continuing was worth my money. The Taken King looked interesting, but too

Step Zero: have an iPhone or just stop reading.

Due 20016.

I thought I heard they were making mobile games for a bit?

They need to formally kill Last Guardian and get that team on a new project, maybe something Shadow of the Colossus related. Otherwise the best we can hope for is another Duke Nukem Forever scenario. Too much time in development hell.

Actually that should be fine. It’s the mods that really bite into RAM and processing power like texture increases and such that will be unfeasible. And given that PS4 has more of nearly every major system resource, any mod running on XBone should run at least as well on PS4. But for something on the level of new

So what exclusive in-stream bonus am I being offered to watch it here on Kotaku? Maybe I sould go over to IGN or Twitch and see if they have a better deal?

Probably lots of new tracks from the new film. But they still can’t show it yet.

This is a bit of a conspiracy, but just toss it around in your head. Game 4 stays up and hers all this talk about James having leg cramps. Perfectly reasonable, possibly even some truth. But regardless, he stays in except for a bare handful of minutes after assaulting some guy’s camera.

I’ve been thinking since the end of game one that the Cavs have a maximum of 4 good games in them simply due to their roster, and Irving sealed the deal. That might have worked anyway if the Cavs won game one, but after losing in Cleveland it’s game over.

I think you just won scrabble.

I could see local powers gifting Assad or a few generals some spare aircraft, especially Russian aircraft that would be less likely to anger the USA or EU.

Yeah that was never going to happen and no groundwork for such a system was ever laid. Even worse, it wasn’t even optional. Internet outage? No games. Take your console to sea? No games. Bought an offline only game? No. Games.

Kyle, myself and many Warriors fans are wondering why LeBron didn’t get called for a foul during that slide tackle during the fourth quarter. Was there something the replay didn’t show? If there should have been a foul, how bad was it? When I watch I see James knock Steph’s legs out then literally grab him and drag


After you burn the towed item to ash, the diesel will be more than adequate for even the largest towing jobs.

Jason, I appreciate that there are still some players for Destinyand the shooting mechanics aren’t all bad, but is there any way to determine how many Destiny players quit before or as a consequence of the first expansion? I know I stopped playing at about the same moment they literally killed my gear and all progress

Note that China shut the websites down for showing objectionable content, as opposed to the fact that it was almost guaranteed to be all pirated streams.

Wow. This guy is ungreyed but I’m not?