
I can lose money slowly over years to inflation or in minutes or hours to the stock market.

It's almost like he's drawing, bear with me here, a cartoon!

If gets very frustrating though. Are you aware that every Destiny article lately has been straight from the subReddit Destinythegame? Sometimes verbatim? I'm seeing more and more of it, once in a whole is fine but lately it's been constant. Is there some new editorial mandate?

Mike, I'm reading Reddit a lot too lately. But if I wanted to read Reddit right now, I'd stop reading Kotaku and read Reddit.

I have a job working for a major city. I work mid afternoon until late evening. On Saturday after getting home, I'll have at most five minutes to rush to the Playstation, log in, and find Xur assuming I have any strange coins. If I stay up late to play on Friday night, I literally have to spend all day

In fairness, the two day availability is itself a major issue that punishes people with weekend jobs, and this should actually stay as is indefinitely for both consoles.

Alternatively, he would be an excellent Inigo Montoya. The last scene against the Mountain had me basically chanting "My name is Inigo Montoya, prepare to die" on infinite loop.

I get paid double and a half.

The film should at least be available through the YouTube app, though, do PS4 users can still see it if they want to.

if 70% is average, then 85 is "decent" and 90%+ is "good" or better.

This game is so much better than it had any right to be. How is this not in the list?

I imagine the days before and after thanksgiving are very big bar nights for this reason even if the numbers aren't that high.

Does it do so while doing anything to collect data? Does it even store data on the user? Is there an account system? Or is it just reporting a number and returning a response?

The Super Bowl tends to be more family BBQ and less party bar craziness though. At least in my experience.

You would not have guessed that if you were anywhere near Berkeley on the Saturday the USA played. More packed than any other time I've ever been in my favorite bar, easily 200 people just on the top floor and the bottom was jammed too.

Wow, now THAT is a callback.

Valve isn't a library, it's a business. A business has every right to choose what it sells and amend those choices when it wants to without prior warning. If you want a copy of Hatred, buy it directly from the developers or some other business that WILL sell it.

Throw the Legos into the fire with them, they don't burn so it will be even more agonizing.

Several of the actual trophies from big racing wins are likely replicas already, as those are likely presented to new teams at each recurring race or after each season sort of like the Stanley Cup. Smaller stuff that isn't won by a new team each year was probably authentic but less valuable.

3 weeks ago I would have said buy this and the expansions.