Not spanking is some white people shit. It’s why they go around calling the police on everyone.
Not spanking is some white people shit. It’s why they go around calling the police on everyone.
Was she explaining how the noble gases tend not to combine with other molecules because they are “uppity *****s”?
W was so close to a Nobel Peace Prize, however his body count just came in a tad under. Should have put more effort in like our pal Henry.
Oh ok, im sure everyone will like fat chicks now.
People of all colors were publicly hanged. Every public hanging was not a black man being lynched.
“Presumably, trans women and models above a size 4 aren’t worth fantasizing about”
Outrage-Headline-Generating Algorithm sez: “Tammy Duckworth Needs to Sit Her Ass Down Somewhere”
So congrats, SNL, you made conservatives extremely happy! But if you’re so concerned with doing the right thing, shining a light on Crenshaw’s dangerous politics might be a better place to start.
On the one hand, I understand the outrage.
On the other, police say the guy had a knife, clearly the caller felt his friend was genuinely, potentially going to kill himself, AND informed the friend he was calling the police.
Is it at least possible this is suicide by cop?
I agree. Donald Trump himself received many small dollar donations when he began his campaign. There were many senior citizens who were sending the Trump campaign $50 of their weekly grocery money after he visited their Iowa town for a rally, while Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, etc were courting…
Omg shut up with your racist crap you swine
Clearly, Krassenstein is saying that for every one Republican in jail for any offence, there are at least 12 Democrats convicted of rape also imprisoned, since most Democrats are obviously rapists. Assenstein is not the sharpest tool but then again, he is a Democrat, so he is definitely a tool.
“$400,000. At that rate, the platform should match ActBlue in about 40 years.”
Unarmed people rob banks and rape every day, why is that even relevant?? If I assault you and then you pull out a weapon and kill me, does that mean by default you are going to jail for killing someone unarmed?? What about pedophiles? Should you not shoot one since they’re unarmed??
Shes being a grandstanding poor loser.
Wait, and I thought she didn’t smile because she knew trump was going to do everything obama did but better!
This attitude will get you kicked to the greys on Splinter.
So what if there isn’t a person of color or a woman good enough to do what they want? I’m asking as a person of color. It seems plausible there’s more white males in almost any industry and is going to seem like more or hired over the other two but that’s only because thats how ratios work. Also was the ratio of…
I’m more shocked to discover Rashida Jones had ever been tapped in the first place to write Toy Story 4. Like...what? Supporting actress from a couple of tv comedies jumps to writing the screenplay for the most successful franchise of one of the most successful studios? Must have taken some tips from her pal Donald…