
Quick, let’s all get out and protest against the police. Don’t want anyone to see that we don’t care about blacks killing blacks.

Hey, nothing more black than not having a dad!

RGB fell? Good job, Justice Kavanaugh.

When a Democrat’s tiny brain cell gets overwhelmed it lashes out.

I don’t think that. I don’t care when she croaks. People die everyday.

She’d be dead before the wait period to see a doctor ended.

She needs head.

Great idea. Stacey Abrams can go there and be Governor, since she can’t win in America.

Gillum is a born loser so he decided to go with his natural instincts and give up.

Gillum would be a terrible Governor. The guy is so indecisive he can’t even decide whether he actually wants to be Governor. Just concede, buddy, you’re a loser, it’s time to accept it.

Its all good, my nigga. I can say that because I’m not black and don’t know any black people.

You can’t say monkeys on the Root.

Right, because the handful of black people in America represent black culture. Go check what activities actual Africans are up to. They’re giving the tip to a lot more than cows.

I like white things too like education and employment.

It’s even easier than that. Just go to their profile and check their occupation. If they are employed, they aren’t really black.

their base (People of color, working class voters, Progressives.).

Puke. What a load of bull.

Don’t worry. Jim Assaulta won’t be allowed within 1000 ft of any young women anymore.

Agreed. Cover the stories that matter to me personally not crap I don’t care about!

Let’s put her on that caravan as soon it gets here!