Good job taking a rape and spinning it to suit your political agenda. Going high as always!
Good job taking a rape and spinning it to suit your political agenda. Going high as always!
Sorry, but women can be rapists too.
We shouldn’t be surprised. With abusers like Keith Ellison, Schneiderman, and Jim Assaulta being defended by sexists, there is a rape culture in America.
Rapper abuses women? In other news, sky is blue.
Indeed. Reminds me of those liberal child molestors who went to Tucker Carlson’s home and threatened his children.
Good. Now Gillum and Nelson can lose a second time.
Gillum is a born loser, so he went with his natural instinct.
The Blue Puddle has soaked America!
Save you some trouble. All American airports suck. This is no exaggeration but most third-world countries have far superior airports. I don’t know if the rest of the country has electricity or running water but their airports are better than anything you’ll see in North America.
No, they’re all at the Root talking about how white people suck. Besides, if you want “diverse” writers look for Asians, they actually go to college.
Just ask your mom. I hear Trump sent her 130K.
Indeed, Deporter in Chief Obama certainly locked a lot of kids up.
Wouldn’t be the first time that the press was completely useless.
“the intern reached into his personal space to grab the microphone”
“your integrity is worth more than your ratings”
The part where Trump told the racist that she was a racist was hilarious. You could literally hear liberals whining the moment it happened.
Don’t Asianwash Acosta, you racist!
Fortunately, it was the White House so there were no Democrat thugs and illegals waiting to gang rape her.
Fake. Acosta didn’t hit her, he’s a pervert, so he groped her instead.
The only thing the press should is first apologize for the being the enemy of the people. Then thank the Donald for giving them the highest ratings that they have ever had. CNN execs have never received a bonus like the ones they’ve gotten since Trump took office, and they should be a lot more grateful. Finally, they…