
no updates available, your pc is up to date!no updates available, your pc is up to date!

No. Windows Updates install automatically. They don't need to "scare" you into installing them. And if you've got Windows Update turned off, then the NSA probably has a binder full of exploits they could use against you anyway.

Let’s just say, humanity’s had a run.

Sure. I’ll volunteer my land for it. 

Yes. And it’ll still have a lower background radiation than, say, Colorado.

So, 563 wind turbines to support 3/4 of the population of New York City at 46% of power needs.

replaced with what, though?  Biometric?  PIN?

What do you propose instead of passwords?

Have fun clinging to your lofty standards while enduring years of Republican rule because nobody is good enough for you.

This is untrue. If you actually learn about “The Young Turks” and what that statement means, you’ll see why they didn’t change the name of the show. It’s not named after that group. Especially since Ana Kasparian, another host of TYT is actually Armenian.

God forbid we question whether an apology is actually “heartfelt” when they have continued to display the very behavior they are purporting to apologize for. 

Where did I say it shouldn’t? I stated that I don’t give a fuck what the GOP says about any candidates. And I don’t.

It’s sad that you hear the criticism that he doesn’t stand up against sexism or racism specifically that way. 

Which would be hilarious considering everything Trump has done. I don’t really give a shit what the GOP says about any of the candidates. Why would I?

Half a lifetime ago? Cenk said some of this shit 5 years ago. Just because he endorsed Bernie and Bernie endorsed him doesn’t make him a GOOD candidate. Especially to take over a seat vacated by Katie Hill. It’s shameful.

Sort of wrong? No, it’s completely wrong. As you implied, light doesn’t stop traveling just because your source pulse was shorter. It will continue to travel until hit hits something, and then reflect accordingly. There is so much bad science in this article it’s astounding.

Yeah I also thought that was poorly worded, makes it sound like a single photon is traveling that length or something. And length of a wave is pretty irrelevant for the subject matter here.

That’s only enough time for the emitted light to travel about three meters, whereas if you pointed a laser pointer at the sky for a full second, it would travel over 300,000 kilometers.

We REALLY need to get Africa, India, and China on board.

Physically afraid of the police,,,,