
“The Machine” of.... people who hate cops?

So you don’t like Clinton! Who’s a better candidate than her? O’Malley, Webb, Lessig, Sanders? No! She is the best candidate that I can see and I have done my research. I was very impressed with her on CNN last night.

Why don’t they just learn to code, like they’ve busied their careers telling coal miners and auto workers to do?

So move to a country without an income tax. You have that choice.



It’s not the same scale — that would defeat the point.

a known feature of working for the Fed since the afforementioned1947 Taft-Hartley Act.

if there was a shutdown fund, then there wouldnt be a shutdown, simple as that.


god willing, they’ll stop breathing.

I only remember the Pinkertons as rich businessmen’s worker-murderers-for-hire private army.

You live in a country that levies taxes by choice -- Move to Somalia please.

Common Sense:

I don’t mean to sound sarcastic, but this attitude is like really a wowzer for someone that does have a love of comics, science-fiction, math, computers, and pop culture

Here, have your “it worked for me” comment badge.

The reference to Jonestown in that phrase is known and the effect is intentional. 

while all models agree on the large amount of tax money they will bring back to the city and the state.

you can say fatass, shit, bitch, and fucking in here, snowflake.

They didn’t say that the tellers had been fired. They didn’t say they were investigating the tellers. They didn’t say policy had been violated.