Destiny killed Destiny, nobody and nothing else.
Destiny killed Destiny, nobody and nothing else.
this is a bad take
not baselessly accuse people of hacking.
nobody actually cares what you think or do my dude lmfao
I write plays that include the “black perspective” from MY perspective
dont laugh this was my high school phobia
Infectious diseases and plagues don’t give one whit about your wall or your “travel restrictions” you knuckle-dragger.
Table manners are a dead giveaway, completely.
bruh I don’t live in a large city, I live near the edge of a suburb(exurb?) where there are OCCASIONALLY wild animals and I’ve seen a rabid animal or two.
you seem like someone who lives under a rock
Hopefully, because my area is like 90% white.
just buy your damn food at the farmers market)
until the rabid groundhog bites him in the ankle while he’s distracted directing traffic and he’s gotta go to the hospital and get 21 shots in the stomach with those GIGANTIC rabies needles.
How can you even find out? I’m interested.
“Want to live in Missouri” and “Live in Missouri” are two different things
You’re pretty much right here. With a good haircut, some better clothes, some deodorant etc (god help you if you got bad teeth though.) the poorest white can pass and will get treated better than say — Donald Glover to some person from under a rock who doesnt know who he is.
I’m not familiar with the term — it just sounded very “they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps”-y
what does “clean up” mean?
It’s almost like getting mad at something without checking first is a bad look.