
it really changed how I see others and what levels of evil we can be capable of.

that’s 100% you projecting your internal sensitivities upon the world outside yourself.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

The girl I dated through college cheated on me. No I didnt forgive. And I didnt forgive because my dad cheated on my mom. My dad and my stepmother cheated on each other, My stepfather cheated on my mom and destroyed her whole world. I spent 4 years watching my mom hit rock bottom and helping her back to nowhere near

there’s a difference?

Nah, you kill yourself, you reactionary blowhard

lol, did you not see the judge’s scathing speech when larry was convicted?

Take your pills, dear.

This kid pulled a common prank often pulled by white people that has never resulted in anyone’s death.

These are like..... mom memes...

That’s just one of those things that seems so absurd on its face that... forgive me, but i have to see the receipts.

As with any disadvantaged or victimized group, you’re going to have imperfect outliers. Maybe with the counseling he (and the people that DIDNT come back from that war with prejudiced thoughts) deserved he could have kept his PTSD under wraps and become a productive member of society and let go of his prejudices.

ill cop to having been a bit holier-than-thou in my attitude on this article.

Since memes are now serious political currency in our future current dystopian wasteland. I have to think Oprah would beat Trump’s racist orange ass.

He absolutely committed a hate crime. And he deserved punishment for that — punishment and counseling.

First of all no one is laughing. Projection.

He’s a vet, and so you identify with him and are focused on the part of the story

those veterans should all just kill themselves, apparently, if you ask TheRoot commentariat.

its ok if veterans kill themselves if they’re racist.

its ok if veterans kill themselves if they’re racist.