
well, actually...

Often, it’s a parent who intentionally left a kid in the car for many hours in hot weather while they went to work/shop/get drunk/get laid.

Christians have inhabited the entire earth

How dare they, in this scenario.

It’s not. At all.

Intimidation IS the point.

I’ll wait while you find that perfect unpolluted socialist paradise with one representative of every frickin’ ethnicity on Earth.

Sorry every candidate that Bernie & his “revolution” has backed has lost.

Report the bug, quit the match and start another.

floppy weiners, floppy weiners, floppy weiners!

Minnesota is home to a very large population of Somali immigrants.

is that trans people’s burgeoning access to medical care should be reduced, that trans people are mentally ill folks being humored by a medical establishment with malicious intent, and that trans women are either self-loathing gay men or fetishistic straight men

We as adults SURELY know better, eh?

You could say the exact same thing about your house, doesn’t make it a reasonable expectation.

Cyclists have the ability to stop at stops (the Idaho Stop is not legal here), not swerve onto the side walk when it’s convenient, or swerve INTO the road from the bike lane going 5 miles an hour on a 35 mile an hour street with oncoming cars merely 15 feet away, and otherwise, and yet...

lol what the fuck.

The grammatical error ruined what would have otherwise been an excellent post. It’s like a Greek tragedy

The shipping community, encapsulated [yes, I know that was your point, highlighting it for the slow kids in the back]

This is exactly the holier-than-thou bullshit that gives drivers a reason to give bikers the finger.

sit in on a round of Spades