That’s monstrous. Unsurprising but no less goddamn horrific. I’m so sorry that your aunt and her partner went through that. And I’m just so sorry for your aunt’s loss. You give her a great gift as she leans on you and moves through her grief. Wishing you both strength, support, and healing.
I reflexively put my hand over the screen whenever I see this unholy chinless visage. (45’s too.) Just can’t stand the sight of him. Talk about subconscious bias - we used to live nearby him *hurk* and my husband observed that the only time I ever locked the doors while one of us was driving was when we passed by his…
I was the EP!
I’m all about Mr. Bovine Joni himself:
It was a little bit Santa Baby, a little bit mouthwash gargling, and a little bit “I am not going to give in to nausea only a 1/2 hour into my flight.” Ending with a soupçon of elementary-teacher-reading-to-a-hushed-classroom-of-kids-desperate-for-recess. (This said, I’m not nuts about the spectacle of the anthem at…
Hawaiian Punch is a delight.
You will. In the freshness of your heartache, try to remind yourself that it reflects how deeply and beautifully you both gave and received. Give yourself time and encircle yourself with as much love and support as you know you deserve. I know I’m a relative stranger here, but, if it helps, know that this stranger…
I was at this place last year, and I’m so sorry you are dwelling here now. I am wishing you and your sweetheart every support and comfort. 💖
Love this. Dylan Moran is the master of exasperated contempt.
Thank you. Replying to bump.