
Gordie Howl

Spaniel Sedin

Alex Ovfetchkin

Ever grilled a peanut butter sandwich?The way you would a grilled cheese. Man alive, that’s pretty damn good even if my wife screams it’s not dinner. Look lady, dinner is whatever you eat at night. Nothing more. Let it go.

Yikes, glad to see no flying parts of heads in this one. There are some really sad examples out there.

If you can dodge an RPG, you can dodge a trailer hitch.

Read the Panama Papers and don’t do what Donnie Don’t does.


I prefer to think of it as the novelization of a recurring tragedy.

This is the Adequate Man article we deserve.


Garvey doesn’t work in this case, since the one and only condom he ever bought (the night of his senior prom) was never opened. He just got good at theatrically flashing it and then making crinkle crinkle noises and then it’s not his fault if women just make assumptions.

Al-Farouq Aminu”defended” Cousins from the other side of the basket. I’d personally blast him but I too spend all day pretending to look busy while not doing a goddamn thing. So I say keep on keeping on Aminu.

Counterpoint: Griffey

He’s gone through more ligaments than gloves.

You’re free to think whatever you want about my onion goggles opinions, but this is just crazy.

1. The other guy started it. (No one has ever started a bar fight in the history of bar fights.)

Derek Wolfe looks like every douchebag I’ve ever seen start a bar fight.

How dare your wife conduct her life according to her own experiences and tastes, rather than the tenets of The Outrage MachineTM. How dare she.

This is a perfect example of a broken clock being right twice once a day.