
Now that I’ve read the article there’s one question I have to ask. Is he for or against it?

unable to determine who started the fight and whether participants were acting in self-defense or not.

Hardy: “I’ve never put my hand on ANY women … In my whole entire life, No Sir.”

Some of my best friends are women.

That’s the main reason I haven’t switched to graphite shafts

So...he was wearing gloves?

Exactly. Sweet honey + spicy meat = the best pizza experience. Also good with chili oil/banana peppers.

Yeah, but they rose to the occasion. And was it awesome to hear them referred to as superstars instead of divas.

Counterpoint: better than “Tamil Tiger’s Neighborhood”

Yeah I don’t know her.

That took me waaaaaay too long to figure. I’ll show myself out.

SO THIS WAS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG, EH? Butter us up with a switcheroo and then go in for the gimme-gimme. I’m disgusted. DIS-GUSTEDDD.

I’m gonna give me description to fuckin Jalopnik you bastards, and I don’t even LIKE cars.

Yes. Anyone who claims to have never shit themselves is probably lying, I’ve decided. I like to think we’ve all been that sick at some point.

Sweet god in heaven

I feel like I can’t compete with the writer’s story, but for me it was a period/virus combo. I had clots the size of guinea pigs dropping out of my vagina as I sat shaking on the toilet shitting my brains out while throwing up into a trashcan.

So you’re like a switch hitting shitter

First time I broke my nose, I had no idea because I was a nose-picker as a child and bloody noses were a common occurrence.

Think of all the money you would have saved your parents had you just never tried.

“ an anemic and noodle-bodied sloth with zero competitive instincts who was traumatized by the mere thought of physical discomfort...”