
Do you use any fitness trackers and/or care about them?

Moreover, I’m not a mechanic or claim to be. I was an owner of one of these cars who had this failure where gasoline was not the root cause (as evidenced by there only being diesel in my tank). If you know why this happened to me or systematically to others, please share.

I have no idea or any other information that what the mechanics and service managers at the dealer told me, as well as some articles and reports (the department of transportation investigation I believe).

I’m sorry do you work for VW? Are you some mechanical engineer genius who reverse engineered this fuel pump to say this accurately? Because several reps from VW told me it was the small size of the pump and its inability to filter particulate, thus rupturing in the tank, sending a hellfire of debris throughout the

Had a 2011 TDI Wagon, loved it, best car I’ve ever owned. Fast, efficient, lots of storage, handsome interior design (that sunroof!).