The Brubaker ID

Oh, thank Christ you were here to caution me! Can you imagine, CAN YOU IMAGINE, seeing a movie in theaters that maybe doesn't live up to your expectations??! Never happened to me before. I've got a perfect streak going.

Are you serious with this shit?

As a Beatles dork I'm compelled to point out that group released 13 original studio albums. While Wikipedia lists 27, that includes all the American reissues that cut the British releases by several tracks. The cuts songs were then grouped onto entire new releases such as Yesterday…And Today, which combines tracks

I remember hearing about that as well. According to Wikipedia, James Cameron and David Twohy were involved separately at certain points, but the project appears to have died.

Sequel: Dredd
Remake: Forbidden Planet

I always thought it summoned Bigfoot/Sasquatch, because of the famous 8mm footage of a walking Bigfoot that apparently some people thought was real.

Batman & Robin (1997)