
Hey, let’s send a bunch of kids struggling with same sex attraction to a sleep away camp. I think a number of them will figure out how to be gay better.

Shows what you know. There is no magical indoctrination power. It’s more like Amway. The more people you can convert, the more gifts you get! I’m very close to a free week in the Caribbean!

I was raised in a fundamentalist evangelical environment and I studied the late antiquity/early Christian era in college, so I have a unique perspective.

i have a trans son and lesbian daughter - every day is gay conversion therapy for me...i’m actually starting to see the appeal. the wife is on board, i’ll let you know how it goes.

More like:

if god created man in his image, he is truly fucked in the head.

Look, he said he’d drain the swamp, not clean it.

So a couple having boring sex and one partner falls asleep from boredom means the sex stops?

Just a note about the D-mannose. If you already have infections, it’s likely too late to make a difference. It mainly helps in prevention since it makes it so the e.coli can’t stick to your bladder walls. If you’re already experiencing symptoms, that bacteria is probably already stuck. =/

I thought I was getting recurring UTI’s but it was actually interstitial cystitis. My new Dr was like, wait why are we continuing to prescribe you antibiotics you don’t need?? I started taking a daily cranberry supplement (especially when I feel some irritation coming on) and drinking lots of water and I haven’t

I dealt with constant UTIs back in my 20's. My two pieces of advice 1) always, always pee after sex, within 10 minutes. 2) Take D-Mannose if you feel one coming on. This has been a life saver to me. Don’t take the caplets, or ones with mixed cranberry. Take the straight up D-Mannose powder! Mix a few tablespoons with

Only gonna say this ‘cause I didn’t learn until I was 22 and it caused me a lot of grief:

My urethra twinged just reading the title. Christ.

Can you imagine being the sort of person who wakes up in the morning and decides that your activity for the day will be track down and post online identifying information of some accountants who fucked up a stupid awards show? With the intention that someone will harm or at least threaten these accountants? Again, not

Now playing

It was a disheartening interview, but even Bill jumped onto the fuck-Milo train in the Overtime segment posted to YouTube. It’s especially worth a watch to see Larry Wilmore and Malcom Nance take Milo down, showing the man-child is clearly in over his head.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

regular person here. don’t have a mortgage or kids because I can’t afford them. all of my peers care and think much about this ban. in fact, it’s consumed basically every conversation I’ve had over the weekend.

Trump’s so terrible we can run anyone we want against him and win in a landslide!

Wouldn’t be too far-fetched.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...