
Goddamit, he does not look like John Lewis.

Jesus wept indeed. That whole sentence pissed me off. Then I remembered I’m not going to the march in DC, I’m going to the one in LA. Personally I’m not that overly concerned with any one woman’s motive for being at the march. I just hope we rack up some impressive numbers and get plenty of news coverage.

The difference is that you need toilet paper if you don’t have a bidet. You need gas for your car if you don’t have good public transit.

I think they’re smart enough to figure out that once they cultivate their die hard fan base, they can literally do anything and their fans will justify it or put up with it.

“Don’t go vilifying Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde etc, now!”

White patriarchal imperialism.

A two minute Google search yielded this:

Ah, the fragility of the white American man, always demanding politically correct speech and safe spaces, faking outrage over nothing, and spewing their emotional breakdowns all over the public sphere.

“Grew up in the South. Boy is pejorative to all races when you are an adult. “

White men want to be oppressed SO BADLY, yet the minute they see the slightest hint of a path towards equality for all they freak out and put people like Donald Trump and his minions in the White House.

Democrats like Cuomo are why I went No Party Affiliation a long time ago. I could not in any conscience register as a Republican, but at the same time, I could no longer be a Democrat, so NPA and Proud.

Long live the McGarrigle/Wainwrights, in whatever form. There isn’t one of them that doesn’t have more raw talent in their little finger than most of us will ever have anywhere at any time. They are a goddamn national treasure.

I’m actually really curious to see which wins out on this site in the battle of “he’s mentally ill, cut him some slack” and “he supports Trump, send him to the gas chambers.”

Thank you. I don’t care if people do the right thing happily or reluctantly. They didn’t fucking abstain, vote third party, or vote trump. This idealism shit needs to end. If you want a reliable leader, you need every vote you can get (particularly in like 5 important states), and you dont get to police how people

I didn’t want Maria to act her humiliation, her rage. I wanted Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and humiliation.

It’s strange to me that this is news now. I mean I’m glad it’s being talked about. But she said this FOREVER. Now people believe it because they heard men verify it?

Yeah, the only thing I didn’t love about this is how Conway is portrayed. She knows what she’s gotten into and should be held fully responsible for her actions, not made into a somewhat-sympathetic character.

I’ve been reading a lot about non-violent communication techniques. Recommend “Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Life” by Marshall Rosenberg. Start small with the people around you, talking using these techniques so the conversation can actually go somewhere.

His margin of victory is even bigger if you deduct all the votes from women, ethnic minorities and people who give a damn about the character of the President.

As a Californian, I really resent the repeated implication that my vote just shouldn’t count, just because I live in California. Stop it.